5 Easy Ways to Spruce Up Your Work-From-Home Space

Obbo Marketplace
4 min readSep 30, 2020

Getting bored of your stay home workspace after a few months of staring at the same items around you? With the exceptional times that we are in and the pervasive work-from-home situation all around the world, it may be a good time to use some creative ways to liven up your workspace to get you energised and motivated to start your grind every day!

1. Get That Positive Quote In Front Of You

Everyone can use a little motivation to brighten up your day. An easy way to get that positivity is to have a cute quote in front of you — whether on your wall, in a photo frame or as your laptop screensaver. While some of us already radiate positivity in our lives, you can never get enough it. Choose your favourite words or quotes to be placed in sight so that, in those occasional times of distress from work, they can serve as a reminder for you to pause, take some deep breaths and find the reason to continue pushing on.


If you find the conventional quotes in frames or canvases too mainstream, get creative on your own! For those who are game for some hands-on fun, try to design your own mugs with just a Sharpie and feel happier whenever you reach for your mug to take a sip of coffee or tea every morning. On a side note, this may make a meaningful gift for your loved one to brighten up his or her day as well.

2. Add Some Colour Into The Things Around You

No one said being organised and productive can’t be fun too. Inject some life to your workspace by adding some colour to the things around you. Such magnets are a cheap and effective way to do so. While you type your schedules into Google Calender, you can hand-write your to-do lists and paste them on your front wall with some bright magnets. Best of all, these magnets can also be DIY-ed in 5 minutes with some simple tools if you are looking for another fun activity to embark on this weekend.

3. Get A Gridboard


The minimalists out there would rave over such a work setting. Having a cleaner, neater work environment is also a form of sprucing up. Help yourself feel calm and more excited to tackle the challenges of work ahead when you maintain a tidy area with everything that you need in sight.

4. Add Some Greenery


Look at these aesthetic houseplants and pots that can instantly liven up your work area. There is a good reason for the substantial number of houseplants enthusiasts around. For those busy folks out there, you can look for some low-maintenance desk plants like cacti, succulents and air plants which would require less maintenance. In fact, they may thrive better when they are only watered once every few days. Don’t you feel at peace when you look at these plants growing out slowly as the days pass?

5. Have Some Healthy Snacks In Jars

Keeping some healthy snacks near you is always a good idea. Not only do these jars look pretty, but these snacks like nuts, seeds or dried fruits and so on are also a quick source of energy replenishment when hunger pangs hit in between your meetings and calls. Feel good about yourself when you pack some beneficial nutrients into your body as well. Of course, be sure to snack moderately!

How Can Obbo B2B Marketplace Help?

We care for our consumers and suppliers alike. If you are a consumer or business who is interested in sprucing up your workplace with some of the ideas mentioned above, follow us on our Instagram and Facebook and look out for the launch of our official store for indoor houseplants soon - we promise we are working hard for that and we are excited about it!

For suppliers of items like healthy snacks and more houseplants, consider listing your products on our site for increased visibility with zero upfront fee. In partnership with the Infocomm Media Development Authority (IMDA), we have launched the Covid-19 SME Go Digital Package that aims to provide support for local brick-and-mortar SMEs to do business both globally and digitally.

Aside from the items mentioned above, we have a variety of other products for different business and consumer needs. Visit our site to find out more about what we offer today!

